Me Myself & I.


Hihi. Sharlni HERE! 19 this year. Born: 14th August 1991. I'm now Studying in Republic Poly, Going on Year 3. =D No hobbies at the moment. Dislike Doing Stupid things people ask of me >=/. Oh and that's not my puppy, found over at cuteoverload.

■ Knowing God. ^.^
Acoustic Guitar
Yellow Digital Camera
New Wardrobe
Acoustic Guitar
■ Surprise Birthday Party. Haha.
■ World peace
■School shoes


Alena (Co)
Freda (W54G)
LaLa (S)
Nerissa (E3)
Othniel (Church)
Rebecca (W54G)
Renette (W)
Shermain (Cl)
Wan Yee
Taiwan Blogshops
Wet seal

Layout: vehemency
Icon: reruntherace

July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010
Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 11:22 PM

Why is it that I find myself looking for people?


Why is it when somebody finds me it'll be 2 - 3 different groups at once?


Saturday, November 7, 2009, 10:04 PM

My Dad made me realise something today.

Do you realise that when animals grow up, they will stop drinking theri mum's milk or any other milk for that instence. Whereas us humans still continue to drink milk even after we have grown up and are eating other type of food with vitamins and nutrients for growth.

Doesn't that just make you wonder why is it, that animals stop drinking their mum's milk and start foreging for food, and not go back to drinkingn milk. Hmmmm?

12:56 AM
Yesterday's post.

Yesterday's post was only for people who KOW Who I am talking about. Plus, I feel that I am being more and more daring to post such obvious words onto my blog. Guss cause nobodies reading it. =(

Lol. Kidding. I know you guys read. BUT! You guys Just "FORGOT" to TAG! Haha. REMEMBER! =)

And. If the Person I am talking about reads this.
Please don't like weird out.

I'm Just going through a Phase. That's all. =)

Remember (Must) to say HI! to ME! =D

Friday, November 6, 2009, 9:18 AM
La. La.. La.... =D

Start of the Day. (06.11.09 , Friday)

Happy! Happy! ^.^


Guess why. Lol.

I saw somebody. On my way to school. ^^

Why is it that when I see you I don't look that great?


You Do! =D

I am Delusional.

This is Seriously not going Anywhere. Ever. I'm assuming.

Awh.... :(

Hopefully You Guys Know what "This" is. Haha. =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009, 10:19 AM

Had a "PICNIC" in CLASS Today! Haha. =D

Clara, Su Li, Rebecca, Ke Min, and I had...Tuna and Egg Sandwich! Haha. We brough them to school! =D

Ate Bread Alomost the whole day of school.

Awo...Haha. ^.^



Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 10:10 AM

I'm class right now. I wonder why I'm so quiet? I myself have no idea. Hmmm?

I wish V. and HL. were here right now.

Seriously, I have no idea what I am feeling. Maybe it's just hormones. Kind of weird though. Haha.

Oh well.

So Emo. Lol. Sooooooo NOT Me to Show. What's going on?

I think it's becasue I'm spend TOO Much Time by Myself.

I need My C&C Friends Around ME! :'(

WHERE are YOU guys (Girls)!?

Seriously speaking. I Have Absoloutely NO Idea HOW People can STAND Being ALONE! That's just Plain CRAZY!

I think I am going Mad. @.@ For being Alone (refering to only friends). =(

I am now listening to Crawling by Linking Park. It somewhat makes me feel better when I'm Down or Angry or some sort. Haha.

Purr Purr.... ^.^

This is so Sad.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 7:57 PM

All Alone..... =(

Figuratively Speaking.

I know that you do not want to a2345678e with me. Especially after what had happened. Especially after the way I t2345d you d23n. I am really sorry. I did not know what I was d234g. As I am typing this post out, I feel sure silly about this. I know that I am o23r-r234567g. But how else am I going to let my feels out? Nobody's there to l2345n. Everyones b23y.

Only God and Myself. But no offence God. I need s23456e physical. I need to let someone know my t234567s. Apart from You and me. Forgive me.

Monday, November 2, 2009, 9:43 AM
A Promise to God.

Today (Monday - 2.11.09), 9.18pm, I have made a promise to God to become more like him. And to forgive me if I were to break it.


I'm just wondering, does anyone believe in the 2010 prediction? And Does anyone fear death?


Sometimes, Ignorance IS Bliss !

Sunday, November 1, 2009, 2:22 PM
Messy Messy Messy... =.=

I feel that things are really messy right now. Espically when I'm not feeling well. Can't really think clearly (Slow processer). Haha.

Well. I've got UTs next week. Hae yet to start on them. Got somebody who, I feel is just trying to how do you say....Erm....Feel like the person has someone. But it not trying to work for it.

Do you get it. Lol. I doubt so. Haha. It's ok. I myself am not sure how to explain it.

But anyway, I strongly feel that it will not go anywhere but down hill. And I know it sounds mean and bad and all. But if this person does not try to make a really conversation (or put in effort, if you know what I mean) then...Yea. It'll go down hill.

So negative. Sorry. But really. Just not feeling it. You know? (Hopefully you guys do.)


Why is it that some people prefer writing in diries to private blogging?

Cause what I think the only difference is, is that ones on paper and the others on the web. Haha. =)

Anyway, I've been thinking about someone, who I KNOW is not thinking of me no more.
I do feel bad about what happened, and I am really sorry. But I guess it's too late. and I know it's my fault.

Plus, I think I'm thinking too much about it. But at a time like this, Who wouldn't/isn't? Right?

I know. Pathetic.

Lastly, I do not mean to offended anyone with this post.